Food & Drink
Environmental Design
Experiential Marketing
Graphic Design
Tour Management
Möet & Chandon was looking to create an on-premise experiential program for the Moët Mini bottle that would excite and recruit millennial consumers in key markets.
We tapped into the current trend of high/low pairings to design upscale activations targeting Millennials. We used the theme of a mini carnival “La Mini Fete Moët” to develop an experiential campaign through the lens of “approachable indulgences” in key accounts.
The experience included a custom ring toss made of Moët champagne bottles, magnetic dartboard, custom gold dart board, mini popcorn machine, and a custom tattoo station.
1.4M Social media impressions
41% Average photo share rate
2.7K Premiums distributed
5K+ Interactions with local merchants
$132,960 Estimated bottle sales