
Sibos Booth

A vibrant Chainlink footprint at Sibos in Toronto, connecting the crypto-curious with the crypto-confident through conversation-starting infographics, animated videos, and an engaging networking event.


Graphic Design


The Ask

Create a space at Sibos that serves as a bridge into the future of finance by curating the Chainlink brand story through one-of-a-kind takeaways and the graphic application of the booth itself.

The Experience

The Experience

We took full advantage of our island locations to dive into this space from every angle. The exterior of the booth was wrapped with custom event branding which enticed passers-by to step in and learn more through eye catching color systems and bold type.

Inside the booth, the footprint was decked out with wall-to-wall infographics to allow insight into Chainlink’s capabilities and to provide meeting spaces as needed. Screens throughout the space played demos that covered topics from financial security to streamlined processes, all showcasing how Chainlink is the future of Web3 services. Branded pens and colorful candies were up for grabs as free takeaways to all.

We scattered custom tokenized coasters around the conference which featured attention-grabbing content to get the conversation going about what was going on at the booth. Each card represented a fictional asset–such as a rock band’s discography or a beach home in Malibu–that could be purchased on-chain and represented the types of transactions that Chainlink could streamline.


60+ meetings held

450+ swag items distributed